Light-O-Rama Wiki 2.0

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I programmed the sequence, but the lights don't work. PDF Print
There are a variety of simple, small steps that you can take to troubleshoot this issue.
  • Make sure the controllers can be seen by the hardware editor. If you load up the hardware editor and do not see the units after clicking "refresh" then this is your problem.
  • Check to make sure that you programmed the unit/channel's into your sequence. "Right click" on the channel, and click on channel settings. A new window pops up with the channel configuration information. Make sure this is set to match your actual configuration.
  • You should also make sure you set the channels on the LOR controllers properly. Channel 1 is defined by the left dial being on "0" and the right dial being on "1". (If memory serves, there is a binary chart in the LOR Help file.)
  • If you are attempting to test a sequence with the sequence editor, make sure the Hardware Utility is not open at the same time. You can not have the two running at the same time, and expect the lights to work.
Last Updated ( Friday, 22 August 2008 12:57 )


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