LOR Utilities Print

Other LOR users have created utilities that interact with LOR and provide additional features. These applications were not written by Light-O-Rama. These applications are not hosted on the LORWiki, nor can the LORWiki or Light-O-Rama provide any support for them. Links to the applications and a description of them are posted here so that all users can locate these helpful utilities.


LOR Power Utility

Here how what Tom, of T2Lights.com describes his utility.

The LOR power usage utility is an Excel spreadsheet that can create a graph of current use versus time for a given Light-O-Rama v2 sequence. It can be used to aid in designing your layout and sequencing your lights to avoid the possibility of drawing too much current from a given controller or power feed circuit.

This utility is located on Tom's web site, T2Lights.com.



Written by Chuck Hutchings, this utility was created for LOR1. It's purpose was to help you print out your channel configuration.

You can find this utility on Chuck's site, ChucksCorner.com 

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 03 February 2009 09:24 )