Selecting a Comm Port Print
The Setup Comm Port section of the Light-O-Rama Hardware Utility is used to set which of the RS-232 comm ports is used for Light-O-Rama Light Controllers. The Comm Port can also be set in the Sequence Editor .

If you know the Comm port that will be used to control Light-O-Rama controllers then just select it from the Drop Down List. You will be prompted if you want this to be the port you want to use to control Light-O-Rama controllers. Answer Yes if you want the Show Player and the Sequence Editor to use this port.

If you do not know the Comm port that will be used to control Light-O-Rama controllers then follow these steps:


  • Connect a SC485 connector to the connector on the PC that you plan to use to control Light-O-Rama light controllers.
  • Using a cable, connect a Light-O-Rama controller to the SC485 Connector.
  • Connect the Light-O-Rama to AC power and turn the unit on.
  • Click the Auto Configure Button. The Port should be automatically detected.

If the Comm port is not located using this automatic button then Check the connection, Check that power is on to the Controller, insure that switches or jumpers on the Light Controller are correct or the type of cable used. Then retry the Auto Configure button.

If all the above fails to find the Unit use the following do the following: Watching the blinking LED on the Unit manually change the Comm Port using the selection list. Once a Comm port is selected wait about 5 seconds. If the LED stops blinking then that is the Light-O-Rama Port. If it does not stop blinking then try the next Comm Port in the list.

If none of this locates the Unit then there may be a problem with the SC485 connector or the Light-O-Rama controller.

If the Auto Configure did not work but the Unit was located using a manual selection then there may be a problem with the SC485 connector or if this is an old PC or Laptop then there may be a compatibility issue with the PCs communications drivers.

If you can get the LED to stop blinking on a Light-O-Rama controller then most likely the unit will work on your PC.

Last Updated ( Monday, 24 March 2008 20:46 )