Light-O-Rama Wiki 2.0

Users helping Users with Light-O-Rama

LOR Software
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There are several components to the Light-O-Rama software suite. Each part of the software builds upon each other, much like a pyramid.

The Sequence Editor is used to build the animations and musical displays that will be shown to your visitors. (At this time, the LOR Wiki does not have a section dedicated to the Sequence Editor.)

The Show Editor is used to create 'shows' for your display. A show consists of a series of sequences.

The Schedule Editor is then used to schedule the shows that you have created.

Finally, the Control Panel is used to enable your shows, so that they will run at the time you have scheduled them to do so.

The Hardware Utility (HWU) is used to diagnose hardware issues, and verify communications. For boards without rotary switches, the HWU is used to set the channel of the board.

Last Updated ( Monday, 24 March 2008 21:27 )


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